Selling Perfect ArcheAge RU Account.

Discussion in 'Archeage Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 8/1/15.

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  1. Games

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    Hello, I guess it's about time for me to quit this game after achieving most of what I wanted to have on it.

    I will be moving to another game. Elder scrolls probably so I'm willing to sell my account, that i worked hard to make it.

    The account have 2 maxed chars.

    Sorcerer & Paladin.

    I won't count the paladin, let's say it will be a bonus for you.

    Sorcerer got 2 unique and rest purple lvl 50 occulist set. not the trash dungeons armors. A purple piece is worth 250g on the market. so you do the math. - Level 45 Jewelery set. + Lvl 50 runes weapon.

    Speedboat (30 coins) - Tradeship (400 coins) - Tractor (50 coins) - Glider (150 coins) = 630 coins or 1260 gold without counting the mats.

    Both accounts got pumkin farms in strategic areas. Merianhold & Two crowns next to the sea, You can make 100g a day using the account since everything is ready and setup for it.

    PM me for more informations with your offers.

    Best regards.


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