Sold [PC] [XPLAT] [H] Final List of Blueprints and Items [W] Them gone for some Credits

Discussion in 'Rocket League Items for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by /u/gratisrasur, 11/13/23.

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  1. /u/gratisrasur

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    1. Black Dieci Exo
    2. Black Spyder Exo
    3. Black OEM Exo
    4. Black Lowrider Exo
    5. Black Juggler Alchemist Exo
    6. Black Goalkeeper Trahere Exo
    7. Black Stern Exo & Vr
    8. Black Vortex Exo
    9. TW Striker Finny (Egg 19)
    10. Black Striker Asik (Ferocity)
    11. TW, FG, Purple, Crimson Hiro (3*Trophy 23, 1*Pumpkin 22)
    12. Crimson Scorer Fireplug (Egg 19)
    13. TW Meridian
    14. Cobalt Scorer Overgrowth
    15. Crimson Tact Overgrowth
    16. TW Tact # Blast
    17. TW Striker Lightspeed (Moon 22)
    18. Tact Purple Irradiator
    19. BS Playmaker Dust Cloud
    20. Purple Striker Celestial 2
    21. FG Scorer Celestial 2
    22. Lime Playmaker Celestial 2
    23. TW Striker Ved-ava 2
    24. Purple Tact Maverick GXT
    25. Saffron Sweeper Maverick GXT
    26. SB Scorer Decenium
    27. FG Sweeper Cyclone (Zephyr)
    28. Grey Turtle Werewolf (Victory)
    29. SB Striker Power-Shot (Gift 20)
    30. BS Playmaker Jäger (Accelerator)
    31. Striker Endo: MG-88 (Nitro)
    32. Striker Dominus GT (Players Choice)
    33. Purple Scorer Octane
    34. FG Tact Reaper (Players Choice)
    35. Crimson Sweeper Nipper (Victory)
    36. Victor Dominus: Snakeskin (CC1)
    37. Orange Sweeper Breakout: Rad Reindeer (Secret Santa)
    38. Striker Endo: Mummified (Velocity)
    39. TW Striker Dominus GT: Staredown (Toolkit)
    40. Goalkeeper Venom: Nine Lives (CC2)
    41. Striker Masamune: Kawaii (Turbo)
    42. Striker Beach Party (RL Beach Blast)
    43. TW & Black Playmaker Pixelated Shades Multichrome
    44. Stegosaur Set
    45. Black Playmaker Revenant (Haunted Hallows)

    1. Crimson Striker Carbonator
    2. TW Striker Glitch: Glitched
    3. BS Striker Humid Haze
    4. Black & SB Tact Humid Haze
    5. Purple Discoteque (CC3)
    6. TW Striker Hasher
    7. Grey Striker Phoenix Cannon
    8. Black Tact Phoenix Cannon
    9. TW Playmaker Warp Wave
    10. BS Tact Warp Wave
    11. Crimson Tact Gernot (Elevation)
    12. SB Striker Synthwave (Elevation)
    13. Lime Striker Twinzer: Muddy (Elevation)
    14. Black & Crimson Tact Jayvin (Ferocity)
    15. Scorer, Striker, Sweeper Gale Fire (Ferocity)
    16. Saffron Scorer Twinzer: Good Shape (Ferocity)
    17. SB Tact Twinzer: Good Shape (Ferocity)
    18. BS Striker Zowie Infinite (Ferocity)
    19. Purple Striker Mamba
    20. Purple & Crimson Afterlife (HH)
    21. Black Striker Vertebrate
    22. TW Playmaker Vertebrate
    23. Lime & TW Dominus GT: Staredown (Impact)
    24. Black Striker Interstellar (Momentum)
    25. Lime Tact Dominus: MDGA (Nitro)
    26. Purple Striker Endo: MG-88 (Nitro)
    27. BS Striker Twinzer (Players Choice)
    28. Black Striker Fennec: Slimline
    29. Striker Candy Cane Trail (Secret Santa)
    30. Orange Playmaker Vampire Bats (Select Fav)
    31. Black Dominus GT: Callous Bros. (Spring Fever)
    32. Orange Doughnut Eater x 2 (Spring Fever)
    33. Saffron Jäger 619: Hip-Hop
    34. Purple Tact Vaporwave (TAS)
    35. Orange Striker Vaporwave (TAS)
    36. SB Tact Royal Tyrant (Triumph)
    37. TW Tact Yuzo (Velocity)
    38. Saffron Tact Nipper (Velocity)
    39. Black Sweeper Edge Burst (Vindicator)
    40. FG Striker Neyoyo (Vindicator)
    41. Pink Tact Abtruse (Vindicator)
    42. TW & Grey Striker Truncheon (Vindicator)
    43. Black Striker Libertine (Zephyr)
    44. Saffron Tact Libertine (Zephyr)
    45. Pink Playmaker Reactor (Zephyr)
    46. Black Sweeper Reactor (Zephyr)
    47. BS Playmaker Starlighter (Zephyr)
    48. Lime Sweeper Starlighter (Zephyr)
    49. Black Striker Starlighter (Zephyr)

    Thx for checking my list out!

    Personal highlights: BS Striker Zowie Infinite & Striker Candy Cane


    # #/gratisrasur
    # .
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