Sold [PC] [XBOX] [H] Striker Painted Rocket Pass Items List [W] Credits

Discussion in 'Rocket League Items for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by /u/NimmDasL, 11/17/23.

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  1. /u/NimmDasL

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    The following rocket pass items are all Striker:


    burnt sienna, cobalt 3-lobes
    cobalt, pink 3 lobe infinite
    Grey Andr01d
    cobalt, crim, orange, purple, sky blue artemis gxt
    black auger
    cobalt Ault-SPL
    crimson Automaton inverted
    cobalt, saffron blade wave inverted
    lime blade wave
    crimson capacitor IV
    cobalt celestial II
    black, crimson cephalo
    cobalt,crim,grey, orange, saffron chikara gxt
    forest, saffron dimonix
    saffron dimonix inverted
    pink dominus nightmare
    crimson drn
    sky blue drn infinite
    orange droneIII
    black, cobalt, crim, orange dune sweeper
    cobalt, lime DYR II
    black, sienna EQ-RL
    cobalt esoto 4r
    tw esoto inverted
    black, white excavator
    cobalt ferris
    black saffron fiber optic II
    grey, orange filiformers
    burnt, cobalt, fg, grey, lime, sky blue floppy fish
    cobalt, sky blue future shocks
    burnt sienna generator II
    lime, saffron glimmerslag II
    orange gripstride hx
    fg, lime, orange pink, sky blue striker guardian gxts
    cobalt, crimson, orange # swerve III
    grey hamster
    all harbingers except lime
    tw helicoprion
    black, sky blue holodata boosts
    black, cobalt holodata trails
    burnt, cobalt, grey, pink, purple, tw holodata goals
    fg holosphere
    cobalt hrb-20
    cobalt, tw HRT beat
    cobalt hydro paint
    grey irradiator infinite
    pink, purple jandertek
    black kablooey
    black, lime, pink, purple, tw light shows
    cobalt liquid camo
    crim ,orange, sky blue, tw madness II
    cobalt mainliner
    tw mandala
    lime maverick gxt
    tw metalwork
    cobalt, crim, fg, lime, saffron mister monsoon goals
    fg, tw monsoon
    purple morrowhatch
    black, burnt, cobalt, tw muscleboys
    black, burnt,fg, grey, orange, purple, saff, sb, tw overgrowths
    cobalt, fg parabolic
    black, fg percussion
    sb, tw philoscope III
    lime phoenix wings
    crimson plasmatic
    black, orange, pink polaris
    crimson polaris remixed
    burnt sienna polyergic
    sienna, tw polyergic inverted
    crimson propeller inverted
    crimson q-runner
    fg, tw quasar III
    cobalt, crim, lime r3mx gxt
    black, fg, saff, tw rad rock trails
    cobalt rad rock trail
    cobalt, fg, grey, orange, saff, pink, tw rad rock goals
    lime, orange radiant gushes
    cobalt, pink reticle
    black, sienna, crim, fg, grey, tw riser goals
    tw rocket forge II
    crim, fg, lime, orange, tw ronin gxts
    fg, saff shield glitches
    black shima
    burnt, orange, purple shining barrage II
    black, sb sk8ter
    black, cobalt, pink, purple spatial rift goals
    cobalt, tw spatiotemporal
    fg spn
    crim sprocket
    lime, tw startis
    black string theory
    black super-manga bolt III
    black, cobalt supernova boost
    tw tachyon III trail
    fg, orange teller
    burnt, pink, sky blue toon flammes
    crim, grey tri-2050
    orange troublemaker IV
    tw tube tank
    tw tungsten
    burnt ulterior
    black, cobalt, orange, sky blue ved avas
    saff, tw visionary
    pink woofer
    black yankii RL
    cobalt z-ro inverted
    crim, lime z-ro
    purple zhou GFP


    # #/NimmDasL
    # .
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