WTS OP70 TR70 DC67 + 2 empty slot 5 Character slots. Rank 1 VIP. 853 ZEN. 200k AD [OP70] IL 2419 G.Feytouched and Negation. Legendary sigil of devoted, epic Black dragon’s heart. Almost BiS equip. JEWELCRAFTING 20; PLATE 16; 80%mount; all rank7 sockets; BOONS: sharandar3/5; dreadring 5/5; icewind 2/5; ToD 5/7; under dark 3/5. [TR70] IL 1992 Vorpal and Lesser Soulforged; Lostmauth set 3/3; ALCHEMY 12. [DC67]IL 1580 125$ or Euros! I'M NOT TRADING ONLY SELLING!!! I will be using Middleman or Paypal to secure the transaction. Please send me a PM or email me: miele92thebest(at)live.it if you are interested. ImageShack - selling account
UPDATE: 330K AD; Sharandar boon 4/5; green companion Ice sprite. UPDATE 06/01/2016: ALL bons unlocked; 2 new characters: warlock tiefling level 40; Dwarf Guardian Fighter level 63. TOTAL AD 6,477,000. 2 COALESCENT WARD bounded to account. 374 tarmalune trade bars. VIP RANK 3 (12 days left) [OP70] IL 2625 Plaguefire and Negation. Legendary sigil of devoted, epic Black dragon’s heart. Almost BiS equip. JEWELCRAFTING 25; PLATE 25;MAIL 25; 80%mount; all rank 8 sockets; BOONS: sharandar 5/5; dreadring 5/5; icewind 5/5; ToD 5/7; under dark 5/5, MAZE ENGINE 5/5 [TR70] IL 2144 Vorpal and Lesser Soulforged; Lostmauth set 3/3; ALCHEMY 25
VIP RANK 11 (60 Days left) TRANSCENDENT SHADOWCLAD + SHADOW DEMON COMPANION; TRANSCENDENT PLAGUEFIRE. ALL GEMS IN SOCKETS ARE RANK 9. 2 RANK 10. WHITE OWLBEAR. ALL ITEMS PURPLE. ITEM LEVEL 2977. a lot of useful items, 2 purple mounts and companion in bank (not bound) plate, mail, jewelcrafting, leadership 25 + black ice 5 on OP. Alchemy 25 on TR. Leadership 21 on DC, GF, SW. I will send more pics if you ask for. price reduced.