Sold Pc eu steam click here for more information Paypal only MrGrizzlyBear#8682 Buyer Protection Seller P

Discussion in 'Elder Scrolls Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by UnknownRaz, 10/29/21.

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  1. UnknownRaz

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    My Location:
    Discord: MrGrizzlyBear#8682
    P.S I only accept paypal!
    I'm also willing to sell a 6 month eso+ membership for an extra100$ only
    As in you can buy this account without membership 250$ and with a 6 month membership 350$ you wont find a better/cheaper deal anywhere this account has everything you need!

    P.S you have to add me on discord to buy it and if u need to see more stuff.

    One of the important things in this account is that it has every chapter/dlc/upgrade in the game so you can take a break any time of the game and not worry about Elder scrolls online plus membership running out and so on you can play without eso+ and mini manage space with extra characters
    Champ points: 1200+
    Characters: 8/8
    Characters information: I have 4-5 characters that have everything you need
    Magplar healer perfected with all healer sets needed and has 279+ skill points and a lot more other stuff
    MagKD tank has every necessary set with 270+ skill points and a lot more other stuff
    Over 1 milion gold in the account with a tons of other sets needed/necessary to enjyo the game
    Craft bag has accumulated TONS of materials from daily writs/daily deconstruction of everything and i mean TONS
    Account has a master crafter with all research
    ALL DLCS bought![No this is not eso+] all dlcs bought manually with crowns and are permanent
    ALL chapters bought![No this is not eso+]All chapters bought manually and are permanent.
    All characters have max horse speed/stamina/inventory
    5+ characters have max inventory space upgrade
    Bank space fully upgraded
    Pet that increases inventory space also bought
    You can easily make milions selling the mats in the crafting bag

    +Multiple tokens to change race/character name as you can see in the pictures.
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
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