Account: Elsweyr chapter, All race all alliance, 2 free character renames Characters: All characters have max psijic skill line AD Orc Stam DK - Former Emperor, Almost all BG titles DC Nord Stam Necro - Almost all BG titles (Have 1 gear setup for both DK and Necro setup is below) AD High elf Mag Sorc - Spec for solo farming in Imperial city with CP or no CP EP Dark elf Mag Sorc - Spec for solo farming in Imperial city same as above (Only have 1 gear setup to swtich from AD to EP) Noted Items/Gear: 28 Hakeijo, 1.8m Gold 2m+ Alliance Points, 100k+ Tel Var Stones, NMA+Fury Set all gold, balorgh set all gold, False god's set all purple, Mother's sorrow set purple with gold staff, Materials worth 100k+ Noted Collections: Beta Monkey, Emperor Costume, All imperial City polymorph and more Motif: Knight of the circle all body with no weapons Knight_of_the_Circle_Style Please Leave me a message or reply if you have a question, Account will be given ASAP