32 Mounts ( 5 Radiant Apex ) 50+ Non Combat Pet 16 Skins 8.000.000 Gold 21.650 Crowns Banker/Merchant Pets 175 Days Eso+ (1.23.2022) Chars ( All Maxed Guilds and Crafting, 1 Master Crafter Sorc) High Elf Sorcerer / Alliance Rank 22 / Mount 60.60.60 Dark Elf DK / Alliance Rank 27 / Mount 60.60.60 Khajit NB / Alliance Rank 27 / Mount 60.40.60 Dark Elf Templar / Alliance Rank 21 / Mount 60.30.60 Wood Elf Warden / Alliance Rank 20 / Mount 60.20.60 Nord Warden / Alliance Rank 22 / Mount 60.13.60 Dark Elf Necro / Alliance Rank 15 / Mount 30.0.0 300 Pieces of popular gears, mostly golden. ( all trial gears are perfected ) Packs/DLCs Base Game, Elyswer, Greymoor, Morrowind, Blackwood, Summerset. 1. Morrowind Collectors Pack 2. Elsywer Collertors Pack 3. Summerset Collectors Pack 4 Clockwork city DLC 5. Waking Flame DLC 6. Any Race Any Alliance Pack 7. İmperial City DLC 8. Warden / Necromancer Unlocked 9.. Green Dragon Armor Pack 10. Starter and Starter Adept Packs Buyer pays the middleman fee. If you have any question just sent pm or add me on discord. Discord : Speedy299 #8493