Seeling 1# Hello, i sell my accunt APB.. im serious and i can Streaming my accunt.. 70Euros whit PAYPALE (ONLY) no trade no exchange. Serveur : PATRIOT Eu2 Money : 3.580.000 $ *APB Cash JOKER T : 500J DAY ACCUNT : 190 left (market-accunt) REEDEM CODE : 8 in stock (market-place) 3 Charactéres create: ENFO - Girl - Rank255 - 3,5M$ ENFO - Men - Rank31 - 34K$ CRIMS - Girl - Rank40 - 160k$ Gear car / char / weapon : See ScreenShot -(GUN) Armes de point "permanent" (accunt lifetime) OBEYA fbw ACT 44 last hand -(WEAPON) Armes d'assault "permanent" (accunt lifetime) N-TEC 5 N-HVR 762 dvah "2slots" COLBY M-1922 mk3 "3slots" VAS-R2 sword "3slots" JOKER tas "2slots" N-HVR 243 -sd PDW-57 stiletto "3slots" PSR harrier "3slots" CBMP-45 bolt "3slots" COLBY CSG-20 pr1 Marketplace reedem code : 7codes for 15days premiums 1codes for 1 N-HVR 243 (acc lifetime) Weapon skins (screen-shot) -ALTERNATIVE -ASSASSIN -CANDY CANE -GOLD -HALLOWEEN BATS -OTOME NEKO -PRAETORIAN -PRENTISS TIGER -CAMO millitaire -CAMO winter spec -FLAG u.s.a Cars list -Vegas G20 (classic) - 4slots -Vegas G24 (4x4) - 4slots -Mikro - 4slots -Jericho V20 - 4slots -Parker Vaquero - 4slots -Bishada - 4slots -Charge Cisco - 4slots -Dolton Fresno - 4slots I have all KIT for all CAR !!! all body / wheel / lightPOLICE ... Clothings : you can see on screenshot and more, more !! I have 19Pages of weapon to try on my mailbox... (gift joker box) I sell tihs accunt 70.Euros / 88.USD (Paypale only) you buy, I receive money, I'll send the id "^^ sorry im french, im not good on speak english" SKYPE : slayerzyoutube (im not all time on skype!) facebook. : slayerzYT STEAM : private TEAMSPEAK 3 : ask me My E-mail : [email protected] (im all time in) I recall no reports never warned in games, never received a postponement by the support and I've always kept good contact with the moderators of the game. Seeling 2# I can sell just my NANO Conniosseur 30euros paypale instant delivrey. Seeling 1# I can sell 2.800.000$ APB Cash process action : create logo and sell it on auction for 3.500.000$, i seek the logo and i buy, you receives 2.8Mil $ 25euros paypale instant delivrey SCREENSHOT ACCUNT :