Selling Patriot (EU2) account (15 account perm guns!) Spent 377$!

Discussion in 'All Points Bulletin Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 7/30/15.

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  1. Games

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    Hello, I want to sell my account what includes 2 pretty new characters. There is 2 Account-Wide cars, 15 Account-Wide guns, 2 Account-Wide clothes pack and Account-Wide Djinn Diablos Wheels. I want to get around 100-150 euros.

    "" shows "You've spent 30,137 G1C , which is about 377$"

    Account Wide Things

    Vegas G24

    Packer Toreador/Vengador

    Djinn Diablos Wheels

    Joker CR-5

    N-HVR 762 'DVAH'

    OCA-626 'Whisper' PR2

    Wargear Outfit

    Punk Clothing Pack

    All fonts, symbols, and decals

    All emotes

    Agrotech VAS R-2 'Scepter'

    OCA-EW 626 NFCP 3

    ACT44 Golden Marksman PR1

    Scoped N-TEC 5 PR1

    Agrotech VAS R-2 'Sword'

    N-HVR 243 SD PR2

    Colby M-1922 Mk3

    ACT 44 "Last Stand"

    Colby CSG -20 RT1

    N-HVR 243 'Scout' RT1

    OCA-EW 626 'Whisper' RT1

    PDW-57 'Stiletto'

    Criminal Character

    Money: 29k

    Rank: 77

    Sex: Female

    Joker Tickets: 1965

    Enforcer Character

    Money: 255

    Rank: 36

    Sex: Male

    Joker Tickets: 50

    NB! I trade only with middleman or if you go first! I'm using only PayPal!

    Contact (Skype): warcry05

    If you have any question, then ask. And if you don't trust me, check my playerup profile.

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