[Patched] ThunderHack v2.6

Discussion in 'Hawk Freedom Squadron Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by jackchoy, 12/22/16.

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  1. jackchoy

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    Undetected:21/12/2016 (GMT+8)
    Compiled:21/12/2016 (GMT+8)

    -Triggerbot-Manually set custom delay

    Glow ESP = F4
    Trigger = F5
    Change trigger hold key =F6
    BunnyHop = F7
    Slow Aim = F8
    Auto Pistol = F9
    Radar = F10

    How To Use
    -Extract the .rar
    -Run CSGO
    -Start ThunderHack.exe (Run as administrator)
    -Use the hotkey to activate the function

    Frequently Asked Questions
    Q: Why the triggerbot not working?
    A: After you run the cheat, press F5 to activate triggerbot #. Then it will asking you "Press key you want to use for trigger", so you press the key that you want (example, I choose alt key). When In-Game, you just hold the alt key and aim to the enemy, it will auto shoot....

    VirusTotal : 15/55
    Jotti's malware scan : 7/19

    I have been using avira and kaspersky scan the file but the online scan still have problem...Why?


    Please provide screenshot of in game VAC ban title in csgo and link of steam account to prove that # is detected by VAC !!!


    **This # does not contain any virus or malware!! SAFE TO USE...**
    **This # only use small amount of RAM which cannot cause the CSGO lag...**

    Do not use if CSGO have update~~
    # will be updated and released every day~~
    Downloadable Files
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