hoping to buy play wild items looking for: DJ head set Butterfly wings (non rare) Viking Raccoon Tails Lollipop Antlers Flower Antlers Royal Tiara Winds Dino Horn Dino Bonnet Fairy wings Crossbow Potted Flower Hat If you have message me thanks!!
I have green raccoon tail if that was an included item in what you were looking for. If so, I would be interested in knowing the price you would pay.
hi, i do not have play wild items to sell but i do have some incredibly valuable aj items, for vwry fair prices!! i have 4 snow leopard slippers, 2 headdresses, and a beta blanket. my email is [email protected], my discord is Callio#9276. that's my contact info for if you are interested. please send me an email or add me on discord, thanks!
The tiara is salesman. And the raccooon is like fully bright green. I don't want to confuse you on the color. And I could settle for $18 for the raccoon.
Hi, I would buy your green raccoon tail and any other betas you have! Thanks! Email- [email protected]
Well In that case sure! I have the ones I previously listed and flowercrown and rainbow Spike and black and white Spike. I don’t have that much tho.