Selling  High End Paladins Rank Boosting (Prices in Post)

Discussion in 'Paladins Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by ProEloBooster, 7/5/21.

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  1. ProEloBooster

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    Pretty much just something for me to do in my free time since the upcoming Pro Season is still up in the air. It does not matter what rank you are, I will get you to your desired rank extremely fast. You won't be disappointed. Feel free to check out my profile "About Me" to get to know me a little better. I will post the boosting rates below:
    Bronze ---> Diamond $10 (<24 hr, if I don't work that day)
    Bronze ---> Masters $20 (24-48 hr, depends if I have work that day)

    Please DM me on here, as I would like the conversation to be tracked on PlayerUp for your protection, as much as mine! :):heart:
    #1 ProEloBooster, 7/5/21
    Last edited: 7/6/21
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