Am currently still growing all accounts! Sh21 82mil, 3 of 4 t4 unlocked, 568k most t3 troops 65k t4, 163k gold, hero lvl 50, vip 10, tresury lvl 6 with 15k gold investing, lots of crafting items, lots of gems, lots of resource items, lost of other items, 3.3m loyalty, goog lvl 6 combat items crafted, decent amount of speed ups, losts of march speed ups 50 and 75 % plus 100 and 200%, lot of researched done, great research items crafted. Gift mode, high roller Sh20 22mil, 164k t3 troops, 6k gold plus 10k investing, tresury lvl 4, hero lvl 48, lots of crafting items, lots of gems, lots of vip, lots of other items, lots of speed ups, vip 10, 2m loyalty, combat research most lvl 8 few 9 and 10 troop health and defense lvl 6, all economics research lvl 8 or 9, lots of other research worked on, mainly pruduces stone, 2m loyalty, gift mode, high roller sh17 6m, hyper farm for stone, hero lvl 45, vip 10, 8,500 gold plus 12k investing, tresury lvl 3, 37k t3, lots of crafting items and gems, lots of speed ups, lots of resource items, lots of other items, all qurries lvl14 or higher, 1.1m loyalty, gift mode, high roller sh14 4.8m, hyper farm for wood and silver, hero lvl 46, vip 10, 156 gold, lots of items, lots of crafting items and gems, lots of speed ups, 1.2m loyalty, all buildings maxed, trap research maxed, trap boost items crafted, 39k t1 troops in hospital used for gathering gold, lots of resource items, hero research at monster mastery lvl3, economic reseach maxed, gift mode sh14 3m, hyper farm for wood and ore, hero lvl 42, vip 9, just under 2k gold, lots of items, lots of crafting items, lots of gems, lots of other items, economic reseach maxed, 1m loyalty, all buildings at lvl 13 or higher, lots of speed ups, 15k t1 troops in hospital for gold gathering, gift mode sh14 2.5m, hyper farm for ore, hero lvl 43, vip 9, lots of crafting items, lots of gems, lots of other items, lots of speed ups, lots of resource items, economic reseach maxed, 2,300 gold, all mines lvl 12 or higher, 15k t1 for farming gold, 1.5m loyalty, gift mode email me with serious offers and more details! Looking for around $[email protected] Will be flexible