Selling  North America  PC P5173 Non season

Discussion in 'Diablo 3 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by canii, 12/27/19.

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  1. canii

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    My Location:
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    Sader valor 4.5kk dps
    Monk suwunko 6.5kk dps
    DH impale 4.7kk dps
    Zmonk 70%/ CDR 4.2k hp/ 227k globes
    Zbarb with cdr and rcr high
    Wiz vyr 5.7kk dps
    Wiz meteor shower 6.2kk dps
    DH marauder 6.4kk dps
    Firebird starpact 5kk dps
    Necro thorns solo and group build

    Stash items:

    Full pestilence build ancient and primal items
    Full condemn build ancient and primal items
    Full multishot build ancient and primal items
    Full rathma build ancient items
    Full arachyr build ancient items
    1.5 full stash with gems 110+
    And a lot of primals and ancient goods rings and amulets

    Bounties material:
    ACT 1: 13.276
    ACT 2: 14.135
    ACT 3: 13.688
    ACT 4: 13.687
    ACT 5: 13.085

    Reusable parts: 444.891
    Arcane dust: 510.995
    Veiled Crystal: 149.520
    Death breath: 154.548
    Forgotten souls: 248.648
    Key rifts: 1566

    Extra: heroes of the storm account with 80 heroes and a lot of skins

    I can show some screenshots from account or screen share on discord if u want see all stash tabs!!!

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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