Selling P4 20M-Pover 44-Lord 43 Gold Equip 357 -Horses Attack 32Lvl Hero

Discussion in 'Clash of Kings Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by ArchieDeSolo, 12/20/16.

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  1. ArchieDeSolo

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    clach of kings
    -16 lvl grapheme unlocked
    -science power - 850k
    -163k - crystals
    -have blue dragon - 11lvl + 1800 blue magic stones to improve the of dragon, just do not have time to gather resources
    -max military rank
    -hall - 2m+
    -have 500+ haurs accelerators/+ construction and science/ and 100+ speed up
    -have 4k prestigio stars
    -2m troops (1,4m-10lvl/550k-9lvl/50k-8lvl)
    -lord full gold equip 43 lvl
    -44 lvl lord (50% exp for 45)
    -32lvl hero, have full equip (x5-orange/x1-gold)
    -have good casrles farm x15 15-20lvl (if needed)
    in the kingdom of the most powerful percent of attack
    Two Alliance on 800m are fighting
    I sell due to the fact that there is no time to play
    if there is a serious interest, can show videos in YouTube and other pictures, as well as the phone number, meet.
    Price negotiating is possible
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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