rare skins: Nano D.Va, Thunder Doomfist, Zeus Junker Queen, Alien Zarya, Mardi Gras Ashe, Good and Evil Echo, Cyber Demon Genji, 2018 Pacific All-Stars Genji, Happi Genji, both Contenders Genji skins, Jester Sombra, Marammat and Holi Symmetra, Ovewatch league skins for Tracer, Comic Book Tracer, Noire Widowmaker, Haroeris Ana, Combat Medic Baptiste, and Goat Brigitte GOLD GUNS - Doomfist, Zarya, Ashe, Cassidy, Echo, Genji, Kiriko all three battlepasses owned, first two completed and third on tier 13 current ranks: Tank- Silver 3 DPS- Bronze 1 Support- Platinum 2 all skins viewable here on imgur, link here discord- hheraa#4444