Sold Over 115 mil power main KoW account + bonus base with 54 mil power T5 my farm account

Discussion in 'Kiss of War Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by iulius, 2/27/22.

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  1. iulius

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    My Location:
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    The main account is minimum 600 in overlord every week.
    VIP almost 15, +112 mill power, +160 mill kills;
    Over 6,4 mil troops - over 5 mil T5;
    Sims lvl 100, Porter lvl +50, Madison +20;
    Most of the base decorations;
    10+ outfits;
    10 legendary weapons, BEST M1903 and many maxed purple and blue ones;
    Important officers maxed ( only 3 current officers left to max them - the others are general already );
    60 transfer orders - is enough to get the transfer to another server - now On server 82;
    GREAT account for a whale to start on and to enjoy at full power this game;
    I've easily spent 12k on this account;
    Farm account with many boxes - T5 , design for farming, over 54 mil power with over 3 mil troops t4s;
    On both accounts I got country switch option ( Main on Germany - farm on UK ).
    P.S.: I'm active player and for sure until I'm gonna sell this accounts the stats will be better, so feel free to ask any questions/ print screens, and so on.

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    #1 iulius, 2/27/22
    Last edited: 2/28/22
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