csgo multihack legitbot, ragebot, esp, visual hacks, convar hacks, memes Fully featured csgo multihack + CSGO Injector I will keep this updated as often as i can to keep it undetected.(every 48 hours or so) Feature List: Legit # Enable Legitbot AimKey Friendly Fire Hitbox selection FOV Aim Speed RCS amount Always RCS Auto pistol Triggerbot Triggerbot Key Hitchance Triggerbot hitbox selection Rage # Enable Ragebot AimKey Autostop Scan Type FOV Aim speed Auto Pistol Autocock Autocock time adjuestment Target mode Hitbox selection Autowall Min damage Hitchance amount Enable antiaim Enable edge antiaim antiaim pitch antiaim yaw Enable Fakelag Fakelag amount Fakewalk Fakewalk amount Spinbot speed ESP Enable ESP ESP Type selection Enable Bullet tracers Bullet tracer length ESP Info selection ESP Filter selection Visuals Enable Visuals Watermark Targeting you List Player Info List Crosshair type selection Crosshair style selection No Sniperscope No Flash View fov changer Ambiant colour changer Chams Enable chams Show friendlys Cham type Wallhack chams Memes Bunnyhop CrouchJump Auto strafe Meme walk Show Ranks Name changer Clantag changer Chatspam Convar FullBright Remove particles Remove fog Enable Cube bright Change/remove skybox Update notes: Fixed errors with antiaim (note antiaim will not work when holding a knife/nade/or while u plant or defuse) Added sleep to injector VirusTotal Jotti 1.Extract (x99 playerup.exe) and (x99.dll) to a location of your choice. 2.Start CS:GO. 3.Run (x99 playerup.exe) at the menu. 4. Press DELETE to show the menu and configure the # as needed. Downloadable Files https://www.playerup.com/forum/mpghv2/attach/zip.gif x 99_10_9_17_mpgh.net.zip [Download and Thanks] (529.0 KB)