[Outdated] PolyAim 1.0

Discussion in 'Hawk Freedom Squadron Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by affe2626, 10/1/16.

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  1. affe2626

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    PolyAim is a polycheat with only aimbot.
    It uses threads exactly like PolyMeme so it's very easy to get this aimbot working in PolyMeme

    Smooth (self-explanatory)
    RCS (Recoil control system)

    I made it opensource cause it's mostly made for learning as it exists other cheats with a lot more stuff

    Compile with PolyLoader, It's sticked in the main section of CS:GO
    I can't really show an aimbot with a picture and i currently don't have a recording software so just try it yourself

    Virusscans: (Don't know if i need them cause it's just # with 3 txt files lul)

    Downloadable Files
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