[Outdated] CheatOne v1.0 - Public C++/CLI morphed # [GUI, ESP, more soon]

Discussion in 'Hawk Freedom Squadron Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by pean153, 10/1/16.

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  1. pean153

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    Cheat One v1.0
    Don't feel like making proper thread untill mods chew thru the file, pretty sure they still have my Skype in case they need something.

    Background worker multithreading
    (more coming soon, just finished working on the memory classes, still lot to learn)

    Reverse the System load button xDDD forgot about that - the more to the right the less CPU stress
    Learn C++/CLI properly
    Figure out writing and reading objects (most likely not working due to 12 byte padding - sizeof()? if someone can help, I'll be happy for the infos)
    Throw in bunch of features - will be fast once I figure out the objects

    Looking for feedback on the GUI, errors (if you encounter some), if I should keep the csgo window check or make it work always, etc


    Virus scans


    Downloadable Files
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