after your money goes into paypal i will switch the email to your email and you will get a email saying so or money back garenteed, then you must change the recovery questions, and put your own authenticator code on it and the account cannot be #,all the pure quests are done for the account on os it includes the firecape, addy gloves, zammy book and ags. At the moment i cant log into rs3 on the game to take pictures becouse my internet is too slow and is also the reason why i dont play anymore, but i did post a pic of the stats from the account screen, online i have both drygore rapiers and over 10m worth of stuff from bandos about 2.1m gold, and a firecape, 63 completed rs3 quests.The accounts ban/mute meter is in the green zone, Send me a message if you have any other questions i might have missed.