Hey everyone! Im looking to sell my origin account, list of games: Battlefield 1942 Battlefield 3 Burnout Paradise Ultimate Edition Command and Conquer 3 Red Alert: Uprising Crysis Crysis Warhead Crysis 2 Maximum Edition Dead Space Dead Space 2 Dead Space 3 Medal of Honor (the 2010 one) Mirrors Edge Peggle D) Populous The Sims 3 Sims 3 World Adventures Sims 3 Generations All together on the origin store this is valued at $275 which seems a LITTLE unrealistic for you fine folk. Half of that is 137 dollars, which still seems like a little bit too much. Another half of that leaves us at just about $70. Roughly 25% of the origin price for all these sweet games! If this offer seems enticing to you even just a TEENY bit, feel free to message me using the following forms of contact: [email protected] /* */ OR echoforrce on skype OR feel free to PM me here! thanks so much!