Exploiting Order Cancellation Angel Pidgeon in Olongapo Philippines

Discussion in 'Disputes - Caution / Under Investigation' started by Unicorn1980, 2/23/22.

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  1. Unicorn1980

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    As we have explained to you multiple times already, your payment was voided the day after you paid as your seller was confirmed a scammer and was been removed from the site - https://www.playerup.com/erccel07 so delivery cannot be made for this order. Due to the hassle of dealing with this scammer, we credited your PlayerUp Account $10 so you can exchange for another item - http://www.playerup.com/forms/use-your-credits.7/respond

    Since the order was cancelled, the transaction was voided. We do not issue refunds as the funds were not captured from your bank. Instead what we do on ALL cancellations is we void the transaction and the PENDING charge on your card is supposed to disappear - https://www.investopedia.com/terms/...ctions Versus Refunds,for the good or service.

    Please login with username Unicorn1980 and see the screenshot in this ticket - https://www.playerup.com/conversations/2414943 where you'll be able to obtain information on when the payment was voided in addition to other details. I have also included an attachment to this e-mail. If you did not receive your funds back from your bank yet or the charge is still pending, call up your bank and inform them we force voided the transaction on January 28, 2022 and provide them the AUTH code so they can track the payment. If in event you're still running into any issues or your bank is unwilling to assist you with receiving your funds back, open a dispute on the transaction or have your bank contact us so we can provide them any information they need. It will not affect us nor will we be charged any chargeback fees from our merchant because we voided the charge.


    Weeks have now past since we have informed you about this and you still insist we did not return your funds and that we scammed you. As a result, we will post publicly evidence that clearly shows your charge was cancelled. We informed you that you're free to file a chargeback if you feel your funds weren't returned. There is nothing more we can do for you as we did as you asked us to do. At this point we feel you're intentionally deceiving us / trolling us as we have already provided you clear evidence of your cancellation and you still keep harassing us that we scammed you.

    Keep in mind as well we have reached out to your wife who paid for this (Angel) and she has been cooperative. We have tried to call you and discuss these matters onsite/through chat but you aren't responding. The only replies we get from you are spam hate messages offsite which is why we're speculating at this point you're just intentionally trolling / slandering us purposely at this point.
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