Sold Opened Valkyrie, Revenant and lay on him "False Idol"

Discussion in 'Apex Legends Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell Rare Account' started by DOPER, 6/12/21.

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  1. DOPER

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    Opened Valkyrie, Revenant and lay on him "False Idol" -leg execution at Bloodhount "Pure Murder" -leg frame to Bangalore "Checking weapons" -Holosprei fiol gibraltar "leave with a noise" -Holosprei fiol octein "Shine" -Holosprei fiol wattson "Shocked!" -6 pieces of talismans -gibraltar 2.5k damage -Platinum of the previous season -metals 480 I give it with my own mail
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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