Selling Only 140 euros(PayPal)! Need to sell it fast!...

Discussion in 'Warhammer Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by League of Legends LoL - Buy Sell Trade Accounts, 3/2/13.

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  1. League of Legends LoL - Buy Sell Trade Accounts

    High Risk Status: This user has been flagged as high risk due to one or more reasons

    Only 140 euros(PayPal)! Need to sell it fast! Thanks! (or Trading for your WP same RR+gear)" "WTB RR90+ Chosen, I'm paying well. ""Hello" I'm interested in purchasing a RR90+ Chosen on any server. I am paying a lot depending on the gear: tyrant/sov/doomflayer/warpforge etc... Please PM me if you have one for sale "Two 80+ accounts for sale, Choppa and WL ""I've got two separate accounts for sale" First: rr 82 Choppa on Gorfang Full Off/Def SOV Either 3/5 Doom and 2/5 Warp 4/5 Glyphs (missing back) and almost full Tyrant - missing chest Has the magic absorb/melee absorb/can't be parried or blocked clickies from tombs Royal 2her Manticore mount I'm almost positive I'm forgetting a couple important things he has too Second: RR85 White Lion on Gorfang Full Def/ 7/8 Offensive SOV 1/5 Doom and 2/5 Warp Has all his glyphs+cloak from TOVL rr81 axe and more than halfway to buying his rr90 axe Both packs enabled Account is subbed until 3/19/11 Again I'm looking to get money through paypal "wts WP 81,5 rr KA ""Hello" WTS 81 full sov def/offensive 3 glyphs book for royals 140 royal insignias 38 warpforged/48 dooflyer crest 2/5 doomflyer 3/5 warporged 200scavenging/200 talismanmaking 50 gold paypal only "WTS RR82 Sorc - Volkmar ""Looking to sell a rr82 Sorcerer with both additional RVR packs." 8/8 Offensive Sov 5/8 Defensive Sov 7/7 Warlord 4/5 Tyrant 4/5 TotVL Glyphs Pocket Items: Melee damage and unblockable one Also have a few pieces of doomflayer and warpforged Royal Scenario Staff 1500G with about 1500G worth of talisman and crafting assets. 200 Salvaging and Talisman making Many holiday/event items There's also a rr45 Zealot and some other characters under 40 on the account. Characters are on the Volkmar server. If you want more information or would like to make an offer please PM me. Only accept offers from verified PayPal users." "Wts rr 68 sh ""I'm selling away a Squig Herder on Karak Azgal" He's well equipped for his rank both in Armor (DP Cheap...
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