Sold Ongoing Auction 24h left Lvl 48 730 ilvl Ele | NA Casseopia | +10 Leg BT OH

Discussion in 'Elyon Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Spiros2, 2/6/22.

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  1. Spiros2

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    48 Elementalist with 730 item level and 290 SP on NA Casseopia (Vulpin)

    5-day auction from the time of the thread created date/time (ends Feb 7 at 6pm EST)
    To make an offer, leave a reply to this thread or send me a DM

    Current offer: $225 usd (Bloodshovel)

    2021 Mana Awakening Transcendant weapon skins and title (scorpion season)
    Prestige Brilliant Guardian armor skin from leaderboard event
    Jet Board R Mount

    Storage Slot Expansion +14

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    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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