One account, 2x BR50+ over 40.000 SC spent (Matherson)

Discussion in 'Planetside 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 8/27/14.

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  1. Facebook

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    1) I paid to have Auraxium Membership which gives you +50% exp, +50% resources, +300% passive certs, Priority in queue and a daily sale available only for members.

    2) You won't get just one BR50+ character, you'll get two! One VS (BR58) and one NC (BR53), both loaded with guns and armor and many tens of thousands of certs spent. As an added bonus you also get a BR20 TR character =). All 3 on the same server! (As ANOTHER bonus you also get a BR30 VS character on the European Miller server.)

    3) Six character slots available instead of 3, so you can make many alts if you wish to do so.

    4) I have spent over 40.000 SC on this account and even more certs, which means you will have access to dozens of extra weapons, armor, camouflage, hats and other fun stuff.

    5) There is still 600 available SC to spend on the account

    6) Each character on the account has over 500 certs saved to spend right off the bat

    7) I am a member of the best Outfit on the server. VS is also the most successful faction on this server (Matherson). The NC character is also in an outfit so you'll be welcomed with teamplay as soon as you log in.

    8) Prestige account so you'll have access to stuff like the Beta decals and your account was created from day 1 of launch.

    9) Loyal soldier status so you'll have access to unique Loyal camouflage

    Bidding starts at 400 US dollars. Contact me


    Price adjusted to 250$, contact me via PM's or email if you have questions/want to purchase the account

    Price adjusted to 200$

    post, contact me on skype ryanalvarez

    I've contacted you on skype, looking forward to hearing from you.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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