⭐️⭐️⭐️ For Sale. Level 300. Great low war weight offensive war account on Dominations. Capable on killing mega bases ***27,000 crowns *** ***68 Buildings (6 Stables) ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Museum: 132k fragments, 160k blueprints. 14x Legendary artifacts (incl: Leonidas, white death's war kit & Augustus) 4,400 Supplies. 6,600 Researchers. 5,500 Benefactors. All enemy defensive tower damage - 76% All enemy defensive tower Hitpoints -85%(MAX-85%) ⏱ Enemy Defender Spawn Time +65% 95 artifacts in storage to upgrade or sell for blueprints. Few that can add to current stats. Maxed Digital Age offensive buildings ⭐️⭐️⭐️ ***The 3 strongest generals: Zhukov 80, Hannibal 80, Churchill 80*** University leaders completed: Hannibal Barca Hiawatha Mansa Muse Moctezuma Leonardo da vinci Amelia Haile Selassie Anyone interested please contact: Line ID: arsenal_d Get Outlook for Android