If interested, feel free to message me to discuss the account, its price and get more information and images of the account and its various accomplishments/perks. Level 182, 9 years of service on 2021-12-02, daily use over the years with no changes to the account. No VAC and Trade bans, never refunded a game or changed region, so a full access account with no restrictions to card drops and trading, you may change the region to yours afterwards along with the email and add your own phone number and authenticator. Along with this account you can get 4 alt accounts if you want, they are level 25~26, 11~13 years old and have 40~95 games. The accounts don't have any VAC/Trade bans and are fully functional as bots to farm card drops or as regular accounts to use/sell. Will also give some Steam Game keys for various rare/removed and other games along with the purchase as I no longer have any use of them. 12,859 total apps on the account (includes paid, free and banned Games (11,251)/Soundtracks (278)/Software (367)/Videos (719)/Tools (244)) - 3,646 paid Games, 814 paid DLC, 805 Wishlisted Games, 1,500 removed paid Games (#951 in removed game leaderboard and have access to the removed game collector group) 284 Badges (8 expensive/rare foil badges valued at around 100$ each to get from the market, has all event badges from the past 5 years as wel Steam Summer Sale 2013 normal badge level 100, #17 in leaderboards Steam Summer Sale 2013 foil badge level 3, #23 in leaderboards. Steam Summer Saliens 2018 #79 in leaderboards and max level with huge experience earned in the profile showcase. Rare (0.01%, 0.1% 0.2% etc. achieve rate) and no longer achievable achievements in a game called Dofus that is now removed from Steam. Also can't get the achievements with Steam Achievement Manager as it's an online game and the achievements are locked on steam's part. Almost level 5 contributor/donator on SteamGifts. Donator rank on SteamDB. A few level 3 showcases available along with some nice avatars/avatar frames/profile backgrounds/mini-profile backgrounds bought for steam points as well as received from limited-time events, for example the Quake and Sonic profile packs, some limited-time emotes/stickers/effects from various events are available in the inventory as well. An all around good account in many aspects, doesn't excel in just a single one. Price mostly consists of removed games that are pretty expensive, or in most cases just unavailable to buy anymore. Nice rare badges from the past, decent level and a very nice amount of games.
Thanks, it usually drops as people suggest their own prices, just want to get some more suggestions. Updated images: