Hello ! I am selling my NA identity account that I haven’t touched in… well years as you can see by my last event skins ! I have never been too much into the game apart from the collection part, which is why I have almost every single persona 5 collectibles excepted Crow and Joker. Life has been really tough lately which is why I have to sell this account and why I am open on different payment method, would prefer however a direct bank to bank transaction or even better: gift cards for Amazon, or other websites I use (most are French so prepare to use euros). New to this site, but won't send in the trade until I at least got half the price. Forgot to add that I also have the limited detective costume Villain Charm. Price: 550 € We can negotiate and I can add you as a friend in game so you can check my room and see that I do have all this. Discord: ptitlooloup#5748