Sold Okay people I am a level 65 Elf Marksman,...

Discussion in 'Order and Chaos Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Gàvíñ Mártìñ, 4/28/17.

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  1. Gàvíñ Mártìñ

    Gàvíñ Mártìñ
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    Okay people! I am a level 65 Elf Marksman, ALLLLMOST 66 on the Arcadian Forest server and I am trying to powerlevel. I am currently helping lower level players boost with dungeons, and I am looking to do some leveling of my own. I am stuck at 65!!! Doing EHN allllll the time since level 60. I am wanting to do Flame Madness, MZN and ALGN so any takers would be greatly appreciated! I am paying 100 Gold per level I go up, so there is 500 gold in this AND A NEW friend cx
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    Derron DC Corniffe

    Derron DC Corniffe
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    When my archer was level 65 I farmed discord hulks and do any frostlund quests I could find because the server, WI is dead so I had to rely on myself
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    Gaven Joseph Wilcox

    Gaven Joseph Wilcox
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    Gavin do you still play and if so iOS or Android?
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    Jonathan Hernandez

    Jonathan Hernandez
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    I'll buy your account
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    Gàvíñ Mártìñ

    Gàvíñ Mártìñ
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    That was foreve aho lmao
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