Official RF scammers list

Discussion in 'Rumble Fighter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 9/9/14.

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  1. Games

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    A list like this has been made some times before and taken down for this one reason: false name dropping.

    Well I have no proof for most of the peoples trades, but the names are real.

    If cloud wants me to take it down, then I will.

    Actually I'll just leave my 2 people on the list, along with, InsanerZ.

    I also haven't seen another list that was made. I've searched


    That's why this list is ineffective without compiled proof.

    Put me on the list for fun =)


    Put the names of WHO got scammed and if you got time. The reason why. I'm sure you need to read the thread to see all the info.


    There's the scammers thing o.o

    I'll just close my thread then.

    For the record, you just can't throw "Official" on anything here and hope for a sticky.

    Usually the idea is run by me first, then with my consent, the thread is created.

    Just something to remember for future reference.
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