Hello, I'm selling my signature space for any advertising. Here are extra information you'd need to know: • Average daily posts: 10-20(no they aren't shitposts, simply me helping the community. • Mostly active at (section): Marketplac,Rotmg Section,#,General - I probably start creating # for games again so it'll be the best quality for your advertising. • Timezone: UTC+01:00 Pricing (Text Advertising): • 1 sentence long text advertise. - $1.00 (Weekly) • 1 sentence long text advertise. - $3.00 (Monthly) - Multiply the price if you're planning to advertise by more than one sentence. Pricing (Image Advertising): • Image advertising. - $1.50 (Weekly) • Image advertising. - $5.00 (Monthly) - You can't put more than one image for each service/product. Pricing (Featured Advertising): • 1 Week - $2.50 • 2 Weeks - $4.50 • 1 Month - $8.00 - Same rules apply to the previous plans. That's not too much for getting your product/service advertised in around different 15+ places daily in the forum (Daily 15+ posts). Explains: • Text Advertising: - By buying this plan, you'll be able to advertise about your service/product in my signature by telling me to add a text you want linked to your service or product. • Image Advertising: - By buying this plan, you'll be able to advertise about your service/product in my signature by telling me to add an image you want linked to your service or product. • Featured Advertising: - By buying this plan, you'll be able to advertise about your service/product in my signature by telling me to add an image and text you want and linking one of them to your service or product, or even linking both of them. Terms of Service: 1. Once the payment is proceed, your ad is put in my signature. No refunds will be given. 2. Only BTC is accepted. 4. Talking about refunding will be possible only if I've got banned or something that lows the quality of your ad. 5. If you aren't sure about buying a space, you can first try it by buying a week duration. 6. You will get a partial refund depending on the time you've got benefited by putting your ad. 7. playerup rules still apply. Simply PM me.