[Offering] Paco's Services

Discussion in 'Jobs Hirings & Offerings' started by polokolo, 1/26/17.

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  1. polokolo

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    Why hello there and thanks for looking in here. Well as the name suggests, I offer some services here, so let me get into what they are and their pricing.

    Writing and grammar checking services:
    - Writing you a poem - $5-15 depending on length.
    - Writing an essay for you - $5 for essays that are max. 1 page long in Callibri 11.
    - Writing short story - $5-15 again, depending on length.
    - Writing a whole god damn lore and everything for some project - certain % of your earn from it.
    - Correcting grammar of your essay, story, poem.
    Qualification for this: I am bilingual English student, therefore English is not my native language, I have learned it from books in school and because of that I had to know all that grammar and vocab from books. At the end of this year I am currently at C1 level and at the end of this spring I am doing my C2 certificate.

    Other services:
    - FitBit SE - I used to do this but there has been a word around about some update so I am not entirely sure and because of that, I can do one order for free(except for acc) but normal pricing is: $20 per order, you provide accounts.
    - Any other kind of SE if you are willing to tell me how and so, I am sure I can do it.
    - Some photoshop editing - $2
    - Teaching how to crack - $15, you get full support, guides, links and anything I will be able to provide you with.
    - Creating a picture with Minecraft theme in C4D - $2, just something I learned by time...
    - Teaching how to work with C4D (basics mostly) - $5
    - Teaching how to write poems, short stories and essays correctly $5.
    - Some money earning methods that I gained over time - $10, they are working and some of them can make a lot of money but well I am too lazy and don't have enough time for them.
    - Boosting in Diablo 3, season 9, sc, EU, - $5, pretty self explanatory, first I will run you through some nephalem rifts, then some GRs if you pay a bit more so you get gear.

    Well I think this is all that I have to offer, though maybe I forgot something so if I did, it will appear in Edit.
    Anyway, if you are interested in any of these, contact me on skype: patrik000008 (or add me through that button in my profile)
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