Offering Gogole Play In-app purchase refund service

Discussion in 'Guides for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by gusitis00, 10/18/17.

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  1. gusitis00

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    Heyyo people!
    I've always been the kid that never really buys anything in game, doesn't really spend money on love you like that, but recently I thought about it.. - pretty much everything can be exploited, so I started testing on what works, and what doesnt with refunding the purchases, so I landed with a few stable methods, and now offer my work to people, mostly classmates. And yeah, I use this myself, because who doesn't want to be better than everyone else? or atleast not to be as the most of people?
    After some refunding done for my schoolmates, I thought - why not try and move to playerup, and also sell my 'service' here.

    So this all summed up - would you be interested in using my Google Play in app purchase refund service? Please reply to the thread with your opinion! ;)
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