Selling ***offering fast, reliable , Destiny services Taken King or Year One****

Discussion in 'Destiny Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell | Cheap & Safe' started by BigJohn2210, 10/5/15.

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  1. BigJohn2210

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    Kings of Destiny xbox1 taken King raids, or missions, year one as well reasonable prices
    Destiny Service Type (optional): : Raids

    Destiny Services
    Fast, quick and reliable service, reasonable prices KOD Gaming

    All Destiny services are completed on Xbox One, with Taken King out we are trying to get the raid done as much as possible and as often for people that need it.

    Kings Fall Raid[/SIZE]
    Full Raid - $150.00
    Oryx - $75.00
    Every checkpoint besides Oryx - $25.00

    Power Leveling
    Lvl - 1-40 - $120.00
    Lvl - 1-20 - $60.00
    Lvl - 20-40 - $60.00

    Light Leveling
    200-250 - $100.00
    250-280 - 100.00

    Anything Year One related just let me know what you want done and we can work out a price.

    Many weapon or specific challenge like fragment collection , touch of malice or ghosts depends on how many you already have so send me a message or party invite and we can talk about a price.

    Contact info:
    Xbox one Gamertag - iTZ Chimi V3
    Email - [email protected]
    skype - bigjohn22222
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. OP

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    Likes Received:
    Kings of Destiny xbox1 taken King raids, or missions, year one as well reasonable prices
    Destiny Service Type (optional): : Raids

    Destiny Services
    Fast, quick and reliable service, reasonable prices KOD Gaming

    All Destiny services are completed on Xbox One, with Taken King out we are trying to get the raid done as much as possible and as often for people that need it.

    Kings Fall Raid
    Full Raid - $150.00
    Oryx - $75.00
    Every checkpoint besides Oryx - $25.00

    Power Leveling
    Lvl - 1-40 - $120.00
    Lvl - 1-20 - $60.00
    Lvl - 20-40 - $60.00

    Light Leveling
    200-250 - $100.00
    250-280 - 100.00

    Anything Year One related just let me know what you want done and we can work out a price.

    Many weapon or specific challenge like fragment collection , touch of malice or ghosts depends on how many you already have so send me a message or party invite and we can talk about a price.

    Contact info:
    Xbox one Gamertag - iTZ Chimi V3
    Email - [email protected]
    skype - bigjohn22222
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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