[Offering] English-French Translation

Discussion in 'Jobs Hirings & Offerings' started by Ogma., 11/30/16.

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  1. Ogma.

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    Hey dudes.
    French is my native language, i've been learning all the difficulties of this language and have a high level of capacity.
    Would like to share my knowledge if you ever need to suddenly become french for an exam or so.

    Here's my CV on this :

    French :
    - I'm able to spot mistakes in official/non-official french documents, articles...
    - I've never had penalties for language mistakes in any of my exams
    - I correct dissertations for my friends & family

    English :
    - I'm able to speak english orally (for real / on microphone / on game voice chats...)
    - Doing SE's by phone in english.
    - I translate some medical articles from english to french for work
    - I write some dissertation abstracts in english
    - I translate parts of books, websites, articles from english to french for my friends & family & coworkers
    - I teach a bit of basics in english to a few friends.

    I can do online exams, text translations, abstracts, research in french... Whatever you need to be in this awful language you don't want to learn.
    You need to translate some french to understand it, for an exam or to continue your SE or so ?

    My prices are cheap af.
    from 2 to 8$ total depending on the amount of work to do and the value it is for you.
    Any price could vary to very less, or very more if i feel that the job needs a price change.

    You can contact me here by PM or through Skype.

    #1 Ogma., 11/30/16
    Last edited by a moderator: 10/28/24
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