Looking to sell my JP account, don't play anymore. FC: 673,331,527 35 SSR's, 43 with NP NP 3: Muramasa NP 2: Morgan, Arceuid, Arjuna Alter, Melusine, Tamamo Assassin, Summer Musashi Tons of SR's Tons of event and gacha CE's (4 kscopes and 1 BG) Story at the middle of LB 7 Birthday can be changed 15 rare prisms 26 lores 34 grails Free story SSR choice shop still available! Just recently got Tezcatlipoca! Looking for ~$200 Paypal, #. If you have any additional questions just DM me. https://imgur.com/a/mLRNI8W # #/Jemzter # .