[Offer] FT: A well maintained NA account with 27 SSR, in which Kama, Castoria and Van Gogh are NP2. There are 76 SR Servants in this account, all of which are fully ascended except Hessian Lobo and the newly acquired Halloween Elizabeths. Castoria, Morgan, Kama, Benienma, Lartoria, Loli Vinci, Illya, Waver, Van Gogh and Voyager are all 10/10/10 skills. I have currently 21 SQ, 16 Rare Prismes and 13 Lores Birthday Reset and Starter GSSR are still avaliable. The story has completed up to Heian Kyo, and there are still some interludes, rank up quest and free quest left as I wait for a buyer. LF: 50$ on Paypal or Stripe, price is #. Proof: https://imgur.com/a/9YdcPcl # #/DISCO_GALAXY # .