Sold [OFFER] NA Global - NP5Gil+NP4Arturia+NP3Vlad+Waver+Jeane+NERO+Atilla+MORE on one account

Discussion in 'Fate Grand Order Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/lee3052, 7/23/17.

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  1. /u/lee3052

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    Discord EpidemikZ#4455

    F/GO USA NA Server Account contains the following SSR and SR servants:

    *= stars Servants:

    5* NP5 Gilgamesh (Event Limited. No Longer Available!) 5* NP4 Arturia 5* NP3 Vlad 5* Jeane 5* Waver 5* Atilla

    4* Nero Claudius 4* NP5 Atalante 4* NP3 Lancelot 4* NP2 Emiya 4* Siegfried 4* NP3 Marie 4* Martha 4* NP2 Stheno


    5* Kaliedoscope (Maxed) 45/100 x3 5* Kaleidoscope 5* Heaven's Feel (Maxed) 20/100 5* Formal Craft 20/40 5* Formal Craft 5* Imaginary Around (Maxed) 20/100 x2 5* Prisma Cosmos x2 5* Limited/Zero Over x2 5* Imaginary Around x2 4* Imaginary Element (Maxed) 51/80 and 16/80 4* Imaginary Element 12/65

    and More!

    Looking for Paypal offers only. I don't send first but I am open to a Discord middleman.

    Not taking offers lower than $1500

    PM me with offers or for details. This is probably THE godliest account on NA Fate Grand Order server.

    # #/lee3052
    . .
    #1 /u/lee3052, 7/23/17
    Last edited by a moderator: 7/28/17
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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