Sold [Offer][NA] FS : NP4 Lv.120 Fish Kiara Account with Caster Altria + Merlin + NP3 Arjuna(Alter) - 19 SSR/27 WNP 70+...

Discussion in 'Fate Grand Order Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/PTNYiBai, 4/8/23.

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  1. /u/PTNYiBai

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    FC - 082,436,527

    Affordable endgame ready account with META characters.

    • With NP4 SUMMER KIARA at level 120, the damage is no more a problem. Loop any node you like with or without a CE! Also enjoy REGULAR KIARA.

    • All classes covered, from original seven to present extra six classes.

    • Looping flexibility with SPACE ISHTAR + HOKUSAI + VRITRA & more, latter two at Lv. 100 & NP2

    • ARJUNA (ALTER) is here, with NP3 and Level 100 nothing is impossible to achieve. Want to meme? Throw a Merlin. Want more! Throw another!! Enjoy the peak BUSTER MEME with BUSTER GOD.

    • With SUPER ORION enjoy 100k+ BUSTER CRITS at CLASS NEUTRAL! Enjoy the meme even more with Merlin. Throw SUMMER BB in the mix and enjoy 3 TURNS OF BUSTER CHAINS - 300K NEUTRAL DAMAGE for CONSECUTIVE TURNS!

    • Enjoy ST Arts Loop with NP2 DIOSCURI. With great command code already set up, stars and NP gen is no more to worry for. CRIT & LOOP with or without supports.

    • Great SR servants at Max NP - ASHVATTHAMAN, SUMMER ILLYA & BRYNHILD, CHIYOME all at NP5. More at NP2 or higher.

    • NP charge skills ALREADY AT LEVEL 10. Ready to Loop turn 1 from get go. DAMAGE SKILLS AT LV. 9 OR HIGHER.

    • 3 LV. 100 CEs. Fourth close to 100!

    • Multiple copies of META CEs - Honey Lake , 2030 (both MLB and non-MLB, check Second Archive), Origin Bullet (MLB), Kaleidoscope, Prisma Cosmos, Kiara hugging Earth and many more. Some limited CEs also available, ex - Mushashi ignore invincible, Summer 4 & 5 CEs, etc.

    • Great CCs available - crit up, flat star drop, trait damage, def/atk removal, np up, np gain, etc.


    • ALL SSR & SR AT MAX ASCENSION (barring 4 or so SRs), at ~70 unique servants in total.

    • All lower rarity servants at Max ascension and level (except Mori & Caster Gilles). Yes, even Salieri (he's NP5 too btw).

    • A lot of appends unlocked. NP charge append Maxed for plenty of servants. Enjoy turn 1 NP with 2x Kaleidoscope for lot of servants.

    • Grails available but in single digit.

    • RP, MP, PP at 20+, 23k+ & 700+.

    • Well stocked inventory. Gold gems in hundreds over 300 each. Red gems over 1k.

    • Plenty of apple stock. Close to 100 GA & over 700 SA BA.

    • A lot of costumes available.

    • 2M+ FP.

    • Nearly every MC is at level 10. 2-3 can pe purchased from RP shop. (Atlas isn't 10 but that barely counts)

    Quitting game so selling account. SQ and ticket count is basically non existent.

    Would be ~500 sq by time Morgan drops assuming you play events and do master missions. Else 300+ logging in alone.

    You're looking at 100+ sq from interludes (most of them are already cleared) alone thanks to sq reward increase from 1 -> 2 at 6th anniversary.

    Also, assuming you use specific servants in team, you're looking at a total of 90+ sq thanks to bond grails ( Grails are already applied so just use or put in backline). Also have like 4 or so bond grails in inventory so you have choices.

    Many META at bond 10 or higher.

    Summer Jeanne Alter, a popular welfare is available and maxed. Shuten Welfare also maxed, no welfare before her rerun though.

    Looking for US$30 for now. I'll accept payment through either Amazon pay e-gift card (which I could add to my balance) or UPI. Just know you'll have to pay the Middleman fee if you wish to use one.


    Discord - O Agni #9714

    # #/PTNYiBai
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