Sold [Offer] NA Endgame account LB6 not full complete, 70+ ssrs. LF paypal

Discussion in 'Fate Grand Order Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/altriapendragon01, 12/1/24.

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  1. /u/altriapendragon01

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    Looking to sell my whale account. I don't play anymore so I don't need it.

    It's got 60 sq for far. Bday can be changed I believe, several thousand MP's, 2 usos, 20+ RP.

    I've not added every screenshot I have, more than happy to provide proof/answer any questions anyone may have. Thank you!

    Price is # and I will also accept offers that are reasonable.

    Fc: 726,472,257

    # #/altriapendragon01
    # .
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