Sold [Offer] NA endgame account , 26SSR Castoria+Spishtar+MLB blackgrail (also with skadi and waver 10/10/10) for 120

Discussion in 'Fate Grand Order Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/iMedolacy, 2/12/23.

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  1. /u/iMedolacy

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    Account images (SSR,SR and CE's)

    Details: -Birthday can be reset -500+golden apples/120silver/60bronze (farm all you want) -700+ hellfire wisdom (no need to farm exp a while) -58 clearable quest left at main story 1 (more quartz) -34 clearable quest left at main story 2 (even more quartz) -Spishtar(with MLB blackgrail and castoria) easy loop grind -50 clearable quest left at lostbelts (more quartz) -170SQ 16tickets -7.3k mana prism -13 Holy grails -14 crystalized lore FRIEND CODE: -966,243,300

    Notable details -Archer Arturia NP2, NP6 MHXX foreigner , NP5 oda nobunaga archer , NP5 emiya shirou archer , NP7 saber lily , NP3 berserker atalante , NP3 red nero umu. MLB Blackgrail, 2kaleidoscope , 2 2030, volumen hydrargyrum.

    I can do paypal or gcash, just for 120$ Leave a comment if interested or DM me here. Here's my discord as well: NotJasu#6455

    # #/iMedolacy
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