Sold [Offer] NA endgame account , 26SSR Castoria+Spishtar+MLB blackgrail (also with skadi and waver 10/10/10) 150 and...

Discussion in 'Fate Grand Order Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/iMedolacy, 2/8/23.

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  1. /u/iMedolacy

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    Account images (SSR,SR and CE's)


    •Birthday can be reset •500+golden apples (farm all you want) •740 Hellfire wisdom (no need to farm exp a while) •58 clearable quest left at main story 1 (more quartz) •34 clearable quest left at main story 2 (even more quartz) •Spishtar(with MLB blackgrail and castoria) easy loop grind •50 clearable quest left at lostbelts (more quartz) •160SQ 16tickets •7.3k mana prism •13 Holy grails •14 crystalized lore •And a good amount of Ascension mats

    FRIEND CODE: •966,243,300

    Notable details :

    •Archer Arturia NP2, NP6 MHXX foreigner , NP5 oda nobunaga archer , NP5 emiya shirou archer , NP7 saber lily , NP3 berserker atalante , NP3 red nero umu. MLB Blackgrail, 2kaleidoscope , 2 2030, volumen hydrargyrum.

    •I can do paypal and Gcash , 150$ and #! Just comment or DM me if interested i can answer questions. Also reach me out on discord NotJasu#6455.

    # #/iMedolacy
    # .
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