Sold [Offer] NA Endgame Acc | LB5 | 26 SSR 54 SR Acc | 346 SQ + 27 Tix

Discussion in 'Fate Grand Order Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/xlolTenshi, 8/7/23.

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  1. /u/xlolTenshi

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    FS> Parting with NA Acc LF: Paypal FnF -> $170 nego. Story LB5 | 26 SSR 54 SR Acc | SSR Tix Still Available |CE as in SS Well Farmed on Mats, but with 4 grails only, limited QP as well | 346 SQ + 27 Tix | Birthday resettable (309,021,780)-

    Trade Ref:

    PM for more info! Questions, Account Details etc.

    # #/xlolTenshi
    # .
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