Sold [Offer] NA Endgame 52ssr / 75wnp | Every Meta Support + Lots of Meta Characters / MLB CEs |...

Discussion in 'Fate Grand Order Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/Superdodolo, 11/23/23.

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  1. /u/Superdodolo

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    Selling this NA Endgame acc with lots of Meta SSRs, many Welfares, lots of good CEs lv.100, almost every SSR with maxed skills (at least 9/9/9), every Mystic Code lv.10 besides 3, tons of np5 SRs etc.

    • 52ssr / 75wnp (NP4: Jack, Vlad III; NP3: Mordred, Altera, Shuten-Douji, Cú Alter; NP2: Ishtar, Tamamo Lancer, Merlin, Tamamo, First Hassan, Raikou, Sherlock)
    • All Meta Supports available (Castoria, Skadi, Merlin, Nero Bride, Waver, Tamamo, Oberon, Koyanskaya)
    • MLB Kaleidoscope, Black Grail, Golden Sumo, Holy Night Supper, Aerial Drive, Traces of Christmases Past; All lv.100 | Many more MLB meta CEs
    • Tons of Meta Hitters and Waifus
    • 100 SRs (17 non-welfares np5)
    • Every Welfare np5 until Utsumi Erice (can still get every welfare trough rare prism Shop)
    • Well Maintained (1900+ Logins)
    • 132 lv.10 skills (with lores still left to max more)
    • Many 9/9/9 Characters (144 lv.9 skills)
    • Every Servant Max Level besides 4 (Oberon, Artoria, Tam Lin Gawain, Gawain)
    • Still has lots of Materials
    • 3-turn Farming + Boss Fights for every Card type
    • Story completed until LB6
    • Majority of Interludes are completed (8 missing)
    • 40 Rank up quests to do and many more quartz to farm
    • FC: 248,453,477
    • BD set
    • Images
    • Price: 120$

    The account is mine and it has seen less and less use this past year. Since I want to move on with life and im not using it anymore I figured that i might as well sell to make some profit.

    If you have any questions or need more informations and/or Images feel free to ask me and I'll answer as soon as I can.

    Contact either here on Reddit or preferably on Discord (mikon.w)

    **Note: Only accepting Paypal fnf

    # #/Superdodolo
    # .
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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