Sold [Offer] NA account with Castoria, Koyanskaya of Light, Morgan, Dioscuri, Napoleon, Vritra...

Discussion in 'Fate Grand Order Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/andrepogi, 11/12/23.

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  1. /u/andrepogi

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    For Sale: NA server with Dioscuri, Napoleon, Vritra, Castoria, Koyanskaya of Light, Jack the Ripper, Morgan and Summer Caenis.

    Progression is only at Fuyuki so you can still get a ton of Saint Quartz by completing the story.

    CEs include Prisma Cosmos, Volumen Hydragenum and Delivish Boddhisattva.

    FC: 845,219,819


    Price: $20 Paypal FnF

    Please contact me here if you're interested in purchasing it.

    # #/andrepogi
    # .
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