Sold [Offer] Late game JP Account with 16 SSRs including NP5 Ishtar , Merlin , Waver , Cú Alter...

Discussion in 'Fate Grand Order Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/Enzo4E, 7/24/17.

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  1. /u/Enzo4E

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    Due to switching to US server and Granblue , i've decided to pass down my jp account to anyone who interested in it :D

    My account album:

    -16 SSrs:

    Saber: Musashi , Okita , Attila

    Archer: NP2 Orion , NP5 Ishtar ( Max Grail , 10/10/8 Skill)

    Lancer: NP2 Scathach

    Rider: Quetzalcoatl , Ozymandias

    Caster: Merlin ( 10/10/10 Skill) , Waver , NP2 Xuanzang

    Assassin: Jack the Ripper

    Berserker: Cú Alter ( Max Grail , 6/10/10 Skill) , Nightingale , Heroine X Alter

    Ruler: Shirou

    -Notable CEs: 2x Chrismas Jalter MLB , 2x Kaleidoscope , 2x 2030 and a lot more..

    Only thing lacking is some event SR due to a time i absent from playing , notable: Kuro , BB , Alter rider , saber lily , shiki , irisviel , scathach summer

    I still have a lot of materials for ascend/ skill up , about 140mil QP , 16 ticket and 300 quartz left

    I dont have any starting price so feel free to offer :D . MM if you want , im always willing to go first. Trade by discord and paypal.

    If you need more information feel free to contact me. My Discord ID: Enzo #2578

    # #/Enzo4E
    . .
    #1 /u/Enzo4E, 7/24/17
    Last edited by a moderator: 7/28/17
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