Sold [Offer] JP starter with meta supports for all card types, all Lostbelt Kings, Oberon and a...

Discussion in 'Fate Grand Order Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/andrepogi, 8/13/24.

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  1. /u/andrepogi

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    Offering JP starter account with the following SSRs:

    • Saber Artoria, Arjuna, Scathach, Ivan the Terrible, Savior Aesc, Castoria, Skadi, Merlin, Tezcatlipoca, Light Koyanskaya, Arjuna Alter, Nightingale, Qin Shi Huang, Jeanne Alter, Tiamat, Bazette, Arcueid, Kukulkan, Oberon and Draco.

    Notable CEs include:

    • MLB'd Black Grail, 2 Kaleidoscopes, 3 Prisma Cosmos, 2 Devilish Boddhisattva

    This account has 243 SQ, 12 tickets, 15,000 Mana Prisms, 24 Rare Prisms, 5300 Evocation Leaves, 28 Lores, 8 Grails and 6 Bond Grails.

    Images here:

    Friend code: 991,925,977

    Payment is via Paypal FnF. I'll sell you this account for any price you offer. Contact me if interested.

    # #/andrepogi
    # .
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