Sold [Offer] FT: Waver NP2 + Vlad NP2 + Altera + 6 4* Servants + 5 5* CE LF: Offers

Discussion in 'Fate Grand Order Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/shinkir0, 7/23/17.

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  1. /u/shinkir0

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    Looking to trade this 'endgame' NA account () for other waver accounts
    Servants: Waver NP2, Vlad NP2, Altera, Emiya, Hercules, Lancelot, Martha, Liz, Seig
    CE: 2 Prisma, LZO, formalcraft, imaginary around, imaginary element
    Leave your offers/queries here or by PM. Thank you.

    # #/shinkir0
    . .
    #1 /u/shinkir0, 7/23/17
    Last edited by a moderator: 7/28/17
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